Artfully Social – Acrylic Flow Art- Abstract
When: Friday February 24, 2023
Where: 3A Stapleton Ave, Sutherland (Hall 1)
Time: 10am – 12:30pm
Cost: From $20 (incl materials and paints)
Coffee/Tea supplied. The coffee cart is now back too.
Please RSVP and book your spot. Pay on the day.
What to Bring:
- – Paint shirt or apron (it does get messy)
- – 2 pairs of disposable gloves
- – Aluminium foil tray or two to catch drips (mix size: 20cm x 30cm up to 26cm x 30cm) can be purchased from supermarkets.
- – Snacks and bottle water/drink
- – If you have 2 long handled brushes to go across the width of the trays to support the small canvases used to allow drip.
- – Plastic table cover (garbage bag or similar)
Note: There is a fair amount of drying time required for this type of art as it is quite viscous (runny), so canvases will be small and you will need to leave them on a surface that is transportable to carry back home with you to allow to dry fully 24-48 hours. So if you have any offcuts of board (at least A3 or bigger in size) to act as a try to carry back? If the weather is sunny and warm can leave outside the hall to start the drying out process …
Please RSVP so I know how many to expect and set up for and that I have enough materials for all.
Bookings are essential as places are limited!
To book:
Email: Mel or
Contact Orana on 9521 8280 to book. Email:
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